Friday, September 16, 2011


Buttons aren't very inspring to me, however if I had to pick one thing it would be the varying types, sizes, and colors. It is possible to have the same type of button more than once, but often you have a button for every need. If you were making a suit for work you wouldn't want to use a button that was a bright red cherry, you would want to use a simplistic, sophisticated round black button. On the other hand, if you were making a clown costume for a child for halloween, you may want to use the bright red button. One button in the jar I see that I keep looking at has a pearl as a center stone and is surrounded by a gold chain. I'm not sure why I keep going back to this button in particular but obviously something about it triggers my subconscious. I can imagine it being sewn on an antique dress or simply just collected in a jar. I feel like this button contains a story inside its nooks and crannies. It was something that was passed down from generation to generation as a keepsake in a family. The women who held it were not always wealthy but they were very wise with their words. The grandmother or great grandmother found this button while she worked as a seamstress in an old English town. The day she found it was a particularly hard and cold one and the button somehow gave her a sense of contentment and joy. She suddenly realized that the gold links were like members of a family intertwined and all held together by a similar bond - the center pearl. This reminded her that the women, like her, in her family were the center pearl that held everything together. She passed down this button to continue to remind the women of her family that they were the piece of their family that held everything else together.

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