Saturday, September 3, 2011

My Type: ESFJ

Based on the results of my Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, my type is an ESFJ - Extraversion, Sensing, Feeling, Judging. These people are generally dependable, talkative, practical, organized, and committed to fulfilling their obligations. Overall, these terms apply specifically to my personality. As far as learning goes, ESFJ's require a structured learning process and environment, prefer to study in a group, and desire to hear information that is practical. Personally, I would much rather study alone that in a group. I don't require a structured learning environment but I do like things to be clarified, if assignments are left wide open I am often left wondering what to do. For me to fully understand something I have to know why the answer becomes so, or it won't make sense in my head. As far as writing goes, ESFJ's prefer to write about personal experience, discuss their ideas before beginning to write, and need to intentionally analyze a topic. It is definitely easier to write about personal experiences and emotions rather than technical topics. I usually do plan out what I am going to write in my brain before starting to write, however, techniques such as webs and pre-writing dont usually help me. I only found one major flaw in my type analysis: procrastination. The analysis says that people of my type usually avoid procrastination, but I always procrastinate! I have tried all sorts of different tricks and tips to avoid it but I just cannot help it, it is my downfall. Overall, I think my type analysis was a fairly accurate description of my personality. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Savanah - Very nice reflection. Remember if you are thinking of your writing, your topic, your strategy, you are not necessarily procrastinating. You are working in your head. ~Ms. A.