Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Final Blog Entry: Reflection

When I stop to reflect on the entries I have written in this blog, mainly the ones I have done outside of class, I notice that it has been a pivotal part of a healing process for me. Going through something as tragic as having my whole town ripped apart on my graduation day (of all days!) is something that will take me the rest of my lifetime to cope with. However, being able to write about it, whether other people read it or not has been a way for me to express my feelings and deal with the issues I have. I want to thank you, Mrs. A., for putting us up to a project like this. I have always considered myself a good writer, but I believe this has made me better. It has definitely made it easier for me to find things to write about. Then, once I have that idea it is easier for me to put it into words, and type them into my computer. I am the type of writer that longs for an emotional connection to my work; It makes it easier to write, and I feel I do a better job if I do. I do plan on continuing to write, it may not be every day, but it has now become sort of a coping mechanism for me. Thank you, again.

1 comment:

Ms. A said...

Good reflection. I studied writing as healing and would be happy to share more with you about this process. Your blog is something that should not go away. I hope you will keep writing. ~Ms. A.